Enable Innovation

Innovate Aggregate Discover, Enable livelihoods, Develop opportunities

Close up of a person with vision impairment in one eye smiling

For innovators or solutions providers

Have an existing innovative solution or product?
Want to work on innovations for enabling livelihoods?
Get access to platform to list or work on solutions!

For social impact investors and companies

Want to co-create, discover or fund innovative products?
Get access to networks: NGO networks, company networks, alumni networks etc.

For persons with disability

Do you have a livelihood challenge which needs an innovation?
Do you have some innovative idea?
Get access to platforms to list problems and crowd source solutions

Some interesting statistics

50+ Workplace solutions developed
7+ innovations available for scaling livelihoods

What People Say

“Social Alpha’s mission is to create social impact. Hence we are partnering with Enable India for creating innovations which will benefit the disability eco system.”

Manoj's photo Manoj Kumar, Social evangelist

“The splitter box designed by Robert Bosch in partnership with Enable India is shortly going to go into production and we hope to market it for a mainstream audience”

George's photo George, Consultant, Enable India

“In 2005, the service management job in IBM was opened up with the help of workplace solution (the screen reader was configured to the IBM software). 2005 to 2008, we were able to place visually impaired regularly in this job. Now, candidates get job through referrals and on their own. This is the power of workplace solutions”

Shanti's photo Shanti Raghavan, Founder, Enable India

Our Partner

Logos - Social Alpha, BOSCH