A runner with physical disability having prosthetic lower limbs


Want job? Self employment? Training?

Some interesting statistics

Impacted 351,000+ Individuals Including Persons with Disabilities and Their Families
70 to 81% Persons with Disabilities are Supporting Their Families. Enable India Works with 19 Disabilities
1050 Locations in 28 States. Working with 229 Partner  Organizations
1 Crore Rupees per Person with Disability is Saved by PSUs with Their Inclusion as a Productive Employee
EI Labs Logo


Catalysing Community for Assistive Solutions
Have solutions or ideas to innovate?
Partner with us!
Icon of a person and light bulb (stands for ideas) creating a cycle


Coming Soon
Enable Vaani Logo


Catalysing Community for Assistive Solutions
Have solutions or ideas to innovate?
Partner with us!
Icon of a desktop with launching rocket


For persons with vision impairment
and their trainers
Access to quality life through digital literacy.
Enable Academy


For all stakeholders.
Want to scale your work? 
Share tools or models? Run campaigns?
Icon of two hands holding up a heart shape


For enthusiasts, students, 
colleges and companies -
Explore your passion.
Icon of a molecule creating links


For employers and employees:
PSU & government.
Utilize potential of employees with disability.
Garv Se Center Logo


Persons with Disabilities across the Country
An outreach plan to strengthen livelihood ecosystem 

Success Stories

Photo of Naveen

Hi, I am Naveen. I was born with hearing impairment and gradually developed low vision at the age of 10. I have completed Diploma in Computer Science Engineering and BCA. I underwent training for 1 year, in Enable India’s train & hire project with a large MNC. After my internship there, I was hired in the IT Asset Management team at the same MNC. Today, I am solely responsible for assigning tickets to my team and ensure resolution.

Photo of Sanaullah

I am Mohammad Sanaullah; I have countless experiences of giving interviews with companies, and not hearing back from them at all. I reached out to EnAble India earlier this year and here I was shown the path to develop myself. I attended sessions at EnAble India to improve my resume and to prepare for upcoming interviews. Now I work at an e-commerce company as an Online Associate.

Photo of Johny

I am Johnny Jacob and a person in the Autism Spectrum. I did Employability Training at Enable India where I did projects like volunteering activities, spreading awareness about autism etc. I was employed at a Café as a kitchen assistant. Job coaches from Enable India monitored my progress at work. Today, I am included in the café, and I handle all tasks at the counter like attending customers, making coffee, serving/ packing food among other tasks.

Photo of Asha

I am Asha and a person in the Autism Spectrum. I was part of a collaborative training program with Enable India and a leading IT company. In the Employability Training, I learnt to interact, work in a team, time management and meet targets. After the training, I was placed as a Quality Associate. My parents are my pillars of support, strength and encouragement.