Annual Report 2023
Want job? Self employment? Training?
Hi, I am Naveen. I was born with hearing impairment and gradually developed low vision at the age of 10. I have completed Diploma in Computer Science Engineering and BCA. I underwent training for 1 year, in Enable India’s train & hire project with a large MNC. After my internship there, I was hired in the IT Asset Management team at the same MNC. Today, I am solely responsible for assigning tickets to my team and ensure resolution.
I am Mohammad Sanaullah; I have countless experiences of giving interviews with companies, and not hearing back from them at all. I reached out to EnAble India earlier this year and here I was shown the path to develop myself. I attended sessions at EnAble India to improve my resume and to prepare for upcoming interviews. Now I work at an e-commerce company as an Online Associate.
I am Johnny Jacob and a person in the Autism Spectrum. I did Employability Training at Enable India where I did projects like volunteering activities, spreading awareness about autism etc. I was employed at a Café as a kitchen assistant. Job coaches from Enable India monitored my progress at work. Today, I am included in the café, and I handle all tasks at the counter like attending customers, making coffee, serving/ packing food among other tasks.
I am Asha and a person in the Autism Spectrum. I was part of a collaborative training program with Enable India and a leading IT company. In the Employability Training, I learnt to interact, work in a team, time management and meet targets. After the training, I was placed as a Quality Associate. My parents are my pillars of support, strength and encouragement.