Namma Vaani phone number 9266344111; Hamari Vaani phone number 9266344222

Rural Social Networking Platform; Connecting the community through one missed call; Operating in Karnataka and Hindi speaking states

Elderly man using a GSM phone

Why Enable Vaani?

69% persons with disability live in rural areas. 87% of India has phone connectivity. Enable Vaani uses mobile phone connectivity to reach the unreached and connect the community in Karnataka, through Namma Vaani, and in Hindi speaking states through Hamari Vaani.

Who is it for?

Persons with disability, NGOs, companies, parents, and other enablers can use Enable Vaani to listen to and share information regarding opportunities, employment, education, schemes, solutions, etc

Give a Call to

9266344111 for Namma Vaani, in Kannada,
and 9266344222 for Hamari Vaani in Hindi.

Listen to audios, like, share, or record your own stories. 

Some interesting statistics

18,00,000+ calls till date and receives average of 1 Call Every Minute
98% user curated posts
38,000+ users in 20 states in India
40 NGOs as channel partners

Success stories

A small ad can make a world of difference. A single ad put up on Namma Vaani to recruit candidates for two data entry companies in Bangalore led to the employment of 27 PwDs. Once the ad was put up, 57 people contacted the recruiter through Namma Vaani. Over half of them were found to be suitable for the job, and 27 of them were hired to be placed in Diya Info Solutions and Credence Family Office.

Rajkumar Bakappa, who is physically disabled has become a successful entrepreneur by using the Namma Vaani platform to connect to people and share his passion as a photographer. He has now become a cameraman and covers wedding photography etc.  He is a role model for all. 

What People Say

“We had last minute cancellation of entries due to unavoidable circumstances. The event was on the next day and only 2 people with vision impairment had registered. I recorded a message on Namma Vaani and in less than 3 hours, we had all the slots filled and more visually impaired players wanted to join. We love Enable Vaani”

No Image Shailesh, Community leader, Person with vision impairment

“I love listening to how the users on Hamari Vaani have overcome their barriers. Every time I feel demotivated, I listen to these stories, and it drives me to do better- after all, I’m not alone in my journey. Moreover, I love listening to the audios about deaf. I’m blind, and I never get to interact with the deaf- how else can I learn about deaf, if not Hamari Vaani!”

No Image Deepika

“I’m a teacher and I mostly teach children with vision impairment. I frequently share Hamari Vaani audios with the other teachers I work with, especially those without disabilities, so they can understand about disability.”

No Image Vaishali, Teacher

“Many girls are able to continue studies in Kalburgi because of the hostel facilities available. Thank you Namma Vaani for this information”

No Image Nagamma (Person with Vision Impairment)

“We truly are amazed at the speed and conviction with which the Namma Vaani initiative has been adopted and do believe it is on the right direction for a potential scale up to service the information needs of many thousands across the country. We are indeed privileged to be associated with the Namma Vaani project & Enable India and wish it all the success”

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Onion Dev

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